SOULMATEs wine project – unique contemporary wine label design

SOULMATES Wine Project

Jordan Jelev aka the Labelmaker about his SOULMATES Wine Project


SOULMATEs is very new project created for young Stratsin Winery. I started it in 2016 and it was printed in early 2017.
I began from ground zero – white sheet, pencil and a good doze of motivation. I had some pretty good impressions about the team – owners & winemakers – and in fact they were the reason to create a brand called SOULMATEs. It is an idea that came to me as a reflection of what I saw from their relations. It is a company of four people who made me think they share same ideas and live and work as best friends respecting each other and looking at the same direction on their way thru wine world. That is why I decided to call the brand SOULMATEs as it perfectly describes what I saw and felt. I have already created very modern and clean logo for the winery so I decided to continue the same way and design unique contemporary label that stands out among the other. I used very simple yet meaningful idea – two overlapping circles intersecting in a leaf-shaped space. One circle is for the owners and what they are as individuals, the other is for the winemakers. The intersection between them illustrates everything that they have in common as being SOULMATEs.
It was a real breakthrough to me because I have true feeling that this brand will be very strong and memorable and it was my duty to create relevant label. I started with the size and form – I wanted big nearly wrapping from side to side label. I wanted to pick excellent elegant paper with own presence and individuality.

SOULMATES Wine Project

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